Leprosy people may be victims of diabetes: research Insulin • Research • India • Type 2 diabetes • Obesity
Leprosy people may be victims of diabetes: research Insulin • Research • India • Type 2 diabetes • Obesity
New Delhi. One common belief is that people with obesity are more likely to suffer from diabetes, but a study done on the Indian people has shown that even lean people with normal weight can also be suffering from type 2 diabetes.
In Western countries, people with diabetes usually have more weight and obesity. At the same time, 20 to 30 percent of diabetic patients in India are not fat, but they are also included among the extremely lean men. This new study has now broken the myth that only obesity can lead to diabetes.
Type II diabetes occurs with the resistance of insulin. Insulin sends hormonal signal to remove glucose from the bloodstream to form in the cells. When the muscles present in the body, fat and liver give resistance to these signals, then the situation of insulin resistance arises. Diabetes occurs only with insulin resistance, which is called Type II diabetes mellitus (DM) or T2 DM in the doctoral language.
In this study, the level of C-peptide is also measured with 87 diabetes patients (67 men and 20 women) of insulin. Beta cells that produce insulin in the pancreas release c-peptide. C-peptide is a polypeptide containing 31 amino acids. C-peptide does not affect blood glucose in the body. However, doctors find out its level to know how much body is producing insulin.
Dr Anoop Mishra, chairman of Fortis-Seedoch, who led the study, said, "In general, despite the normal weight of Indian people, high body fat and muscle mass decreases, even if their obesity is seen from outside. But the important parts associated with metabolism, such as the fats are stored in the pancreas and liver, in such cases the insulin hormone can not perform its role properly and The level of sugars increases. "
This study has also shown that the level of C-peptide is more stable than the level of insulin, which facilitates the testing of reaction of beta cells. In patients' bodies, symptoms like fat deposits, stomach fat and fatty liver have been found, which are usually not seen from the outside. High weight of fat, liver and skeletal muscles in general body weight (25 BMI lower than 25) and lean (19 mm BMI) in the research, have been measured in excess fat. Level of high fat levels in the body and intestines of diabetics, as well as levels of insulin and C-peptide have also been found to be high. Whereas, the mass of participants' muscles has been found to be very low. According to the researchers, in such a way, the fat hidden in people's liver and pancreas can also contribute to diabetes by promoting insulin resistance at an early age. Such patients can benefit from the use of insulin activation enhancing drugs and weight loss methods. Among the researchers, besides Dr. Anup Mishra, Shastit Anup, Sun Prakash Bhatt, Seema Gulati and Harsh Mahajan were involved. The results of this study have been published in the research journal Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Research and Review. (India Science Wire)
Leprosy people may be victims of diabetes: research Insulin • Research • India • Type 2 diabetes • Obesity
January 22, 2019

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