HIV virus spreads directly from cell-to-cell exposure
In more than 30 years of research, how many of the major aspects of HIV-promoted immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) spread, how many major aspects have not yet been understood.
HIV Virus Directly to Cell-to-Cell ContactWashington D. C. [USA] Expands in: Scientists have discovered how HIV spreads in an environment like three-dimensional tissue.
The proliferation of pathogens like human immunodeficiency virus 2 (HIV1) is often studied in the test tube, which is in two-dimensional cell cultures, even if it shows very complex conditions in the human body. Using innovative cell culture system, quantitative image analysis, and computer simulation. Researcher's results show that the tissue structure forces the virus to spread directly through cell-to-cell interaction.
In more than 30 years of research, how many of the major aspects of HIV-promoted immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) spread, how many major aspects have not yet been understood. One of these unresolved questions concerns the interaction between viruses in the human body with the environment.
"Studies on HIV replication in the laboratory are mostly done in simple cell culture experiments in plastic dishes, which do not reflect the complex architecture and tissue disparity", Director of Studies at Heidelberg University Hospital, Prof. Dr. Oliver Feklor explains.
The findings are published by Journal Nature Communications.
In the analysis of the data, the scientists who used to collaborate with the collaborators of image processing, theoretical biophysics, and mathematical modeling areas. Together they were able to mark the complex behavior of cells and viruses and simulate on the computer. This made it possible to make significant predictions on key processes of HIV-1 in these 3D cultures, which were confirmed by post-experiments. "A good example of our interdisciplinary study is how the repeated cycles of experimentation and simulation can help quantitative analysis of a complex biological process", Professor Dr. Heidelberg University. Ulrich Schwarz says.
In his view, researchers kept in mind that the so-called CD4T helper cells, the preferred cell types infected by HIV, are highly motivated in their physical environment. He used a novel cell culture system, in which three-dimensional scaffold was produced with the help of collagen. It allows to maintain and monitor the mobility of cells of primary CD4 T cells infected with HIV-1 in a tissue-like environment during several weeks. Using this innovative approach, researchers measured several factors, which characterized cell mobility, virus replication and gradual loss of CD4T helper cells. "It is a very complex set of data that it was impossible to interpret without the help of other scientists." According to Andrea Imlay, who worked on the project during her Ph.D.
Data analysis has shown that the 3D environment of cell culture systems promotes direct virus transmission from cell to cell and simultaneously suppresses infection with the cell-free virus. "Our model allowed us to integrate small single-cell microscopy films with long-term cell population measurements and to estimate the minimum time period required for cell-to-cell contacts to spread the infection." Dr. Heidelberg University Frederick Gray says. Researchers hope that these findings will ultimately lead to the new therapeutic approach to the treatment of HIV.
HIV virus spreads directly from cell-to-cell exposure
July 29, 2019

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