Hypertension - Does High Blood Pressure Really Make?

Hypertension - Does High Blood Pressure Really Make?

Hypertension (hypertension) is often called "silent killer" due to a different lack of symptoms. For the first time, anyone realizes that they may have high blood pressure, which occurs after regular testing in the doctor's office.

Your doctor can check your blood pressure quickly and easily but can be warned, there is a very real syndrome called "White Coat Syndrome", where people's blood pressure actually increases as a direct reaction to the doctor goes. Khan did just that, so in every trial, the doctor pointed towards high blood pressure. My solution was to buy a home digital blood pressure monitor. They are relatively cheap and are very accurate (although it is tested by your doctor for accuracy). The results were surprising because my blood pressure at home was normal.

Hypertension ,High Blood Pressure

Since hypertension is a major factor in stroke and coronary heart disease, it is important that we all be screened frequently.

While some people are at greater risk of developing hypertension, the tragic truth is that 90% or more cases have unknown causes. For this reason, it is not possible to fully answer the question of what is the reason for hypertension, although we can highlight many factors involved in it.

Blood pressure is carefully controlled by the human body, it is kept within very strict limits. Simply put, if blood pressure is reduced, then the body can compress smooth muscles in the arteries and arteries by reducing the size of the blood vessels, thereby increasing the resistance to blood, thereby pushing its way Trying to give Blood pressure rises. If blood pressure is too high, then the body can reverse this process.

It does not clearly explain hypertension for a long time, which puts a big stress on both the arteries and the heart. The factors which have been linked to the cause of hypertension include the following:

  • Excessive alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Salt in diet
  • Tension
  • Caffeine
  • genetic factors

Obviously, most of these factors are in our own control (with the exception of genetics), so we have the ability to reduce our blood pressure with more natural methods. Adhering a healthy diet with increased fruits and vegetables, while reducing harmful factors for our health can help reduce blood pressure. If you are overweight, then losing a few pounds can be a great help. Even walking for 30 minutes, you can have a beneficial effect on your blood pressure 3 times a week.

What is the reason for high blood pressure?

Hypertension, High Blood Pressure

What causes high blood pressure?

Up-to-date medical literature states that the reason for high blood pressure is known only in 5% of cases, whereas 95% is unknown. When I attended medical school, I came to know that the reason for high blood pressure is known only in 10% of cases, whereas 90% was unknown. Now, other sources show that the exact cause of high blood pressure is unknown, but it may be related to hereditary and environmental factors. Known causes a lie in a very small area, while the unknown continues in a vast field. Known reasons include:

• People with Chronic Kidney Disease

• Kidneys, adrenal glands, lungs or tumors in the brain, secreting substances that affect blood pressure.

• Coordination of lesions of the vascular system such as aortic or vascularisation

• Use of oral contraceptive pills

• Certain medicines and toxins such as cocaine, and amphetamine

• obstructive sleep apnea

• Obstruction in the urinary tract

• Pregnancy-induced hypertension

• Conditions that calcium, potassium or magnesium levels change

Apart from this, there are risk factors that lead to hypertension, so it is reasonable to think that these individuals are also recognized for the reasons for high blood pressure. Contains:

• Overweight or obesity

• High levels of cholesterol

• diabetes

• consuming more amounts of alcohol

• Smoking

• Too much salt on your food

• Bad nutrition habits

• Sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise

• Tension

In my professional opinion, while these are the reasons, however, the risk factors are considered as follows, the following are the right risk factors. Contains:

• The family history of high blood pressure

• Age - Risk increases when age increases

• Run - Studies show that the black race is associated with a high risk of developing high blood pressure.

Although hypertension is more common in adults, due to poor lifestyle habits, increasing numbers of children are suffering from hypertension; Such as unhealthy diet and lack of exercise.

Due to high blood pressure and risk

There is no known cause of primary (aka required) hypertension, although there are many lifestyle factors that affect the chances of the development of hypertension.

Risk factors can be related to the environment, genetics and family history, smoking, diet, hormones, sodium (salt) in your diet or levels of stress in your life.

High blood pressure also increases the risk of stroke or heart attack, and other health conditions, as well as other health conditions, can be worse. It is important to know about your health and your risk factors and your control over the control and change by which you can reduce your risks.

Coming out of environmental pollutants, such as tobacco smoke, vapor around the office, etc.

Obesity - Being overweight is a factor in hypertension, especially as an age. Proper diet and weight loss can help to overcome problems.

Lack of exercise - Daily 'aerobic' exercise (walking, swimming, running, cycling etc.) can be very beneficial in reducing your blood pressure as well as reducing your weight.

Stress - all of us can benefit less than this. Exercise also helps to reduce your stress.

Drinking low alcohol - Drinking more amounts of alcohol increases the chance of having high blood pressure or stroke.

medicines and prescriptions (Ritalin, hormones, steroids, anti-rejection drugs), your doctor and pharmacist should be fully aware of what you are taking. Illegal drugs can also cause problems (amphetamine, cocaine, ecstasy).

Dietary - High diet in sodium increases the amount of fluid in the body and puts pressure on the blood vessels (attracts salt water)

These risks can also be controlled or controlled with the help of a doctor

Pregnancy - Excess quantity of blood, high intake of salt can put great pressure on the poisoning vascular system.

Kidney failure - is unable to extract fluid from the body due to the amount of fluid content and blood pressure increase in the body.

Right side heart failure - The ability of the heart to pump a high amount of fluid through the heart decreases, thereby back up in the blood vessels.

Risk factors on which you have no control

  1. A family history of hypertension typically begins before the age of 50 years.
  2. Age-the chances of your hypertension increase
  3. Sex (Male or Female)
  4. Race (Afro-American)
  5. Nervous system disorder
  6. Secondary hypertension

While the single cause of primary hypertension is not known, secondary hypertension is the cause (s) and it is usually caused by any other condition or disease. Gonadal hypertension and genetic hypertension and it is one of the reasons your doctor wants to see you more often near the end): arteriosclerosis, diabetes, kidney disease, or even drugs and pregnancy conditions.

High blood pressure can also be due to either taking drugs or preventing medicines quickly. Corticosteroids, birth control pills and other hormones, migraine drugs, and medicines used for chronic anemia (erythropoietin). Cabbage / cold medicines and medicines for asthma can also cause high blood pressure.

Medicines for high blood pressure can also cause high blood pressure if they are not gradually shut down.

Street drugs that cause hypertension include Alcohol, amphetamine, ecstasy (MDMA and derivatives), and cocaine.

A small number of people experience abnormal hypertension. This is a high blood pressure which causes inflammation of the optic nerve (the nerve that controls the vision). It is considered a medical emergency. Many of your vital organs are in serious danger of injury including your brain, your eyes, blood vessels, heart, and kidney.

What are the biggest causes of hypertension?

Hypertension,High Blood Pressure

• Overweight or obesity This is because of the greater the mass of your body, your heart will have to work equally hard to pump blood around it. As a result, pressure on the walls of the arteries increases as more blood is produced to supply essential oxygen and nutrients in your entire body than normal body mass.

• Sleep apnea - Short period when you stop breathing while sleeping - it is also considered to be a contributing factor for high blood pressure and is something that is especially susceptible to people overweight.

• Activity level can also be a contributing factor. If you are relatively inactive or do not exercise, it increases your heart rate, which means that your heart works hard to pump blood around the body. And of course, it is such that if you are completely sedentary and do not exercise, then you may also have to face your weight problems.

• Family history or genetics It is a fact that high blood pressure can often be run in special families, this condition can be seen over generations. So if you have a family history of high blood pressure, then it is quite likely that you will have a similar problem.

• tobacco use. Some chemicals in cigarettes and tobacco can damage the walls of the blood vessel, which increases the amount of work your heart needs to do to pump blood around your body.

causes of hypertension?

• As far as hypertension is concerned, stress can be a major contributing factor.

• Sodium consumption Excessive sodium intake can increase fluid retention, resulting in a blood pressure increase.

• Potassium intake. By taking high levels of potassium on the board, the level of sodium in body cells can be high because potassium and sodium want to have a natural balance in those cells. If someone rises in this manner, then its characteristics are also more likely to be seen.

• Excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of heart problems, especially if this excessive consumption continues for a significant period of time.

Secondary hypertension problems are usually due to cardiac problems in the form of pre-existing medical conditions such as kidney stench or some other form of kidney disease or aorta.

In the case of secondary hypertension, it is likely that your medical condition, which is why your hypertension is already being treated, and that part of the treatment is likely to focus on dealing with your blood pressure problems.

While it can not be said that it reduces the severity of the problems caused by high secondary blood pressure problems, it is more likely that these problems are effectively managed. After all, as suggested, a primary high blood pressure problem is that many millions of people have high blood pressure and they do not even know about this fact.

It is not so obvious when someone has high blood pressure as a result of any other serious medical condition. Therefore, it is highly probable that their blood pressure problem will be under control.

Hypertension - Does High Blood Pressure Really Make? Hypertension - Does High Blood Pressure Really Make? Reviewed by GYM FITNESS LOVERS on February 14, 2019 Rating: 5

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