Definition of Good Health|Definition of Physical Health|Cardiovascular:
In 1948, the World Health Organization definition good health; "Health is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of sickness or infirmity."
This definition of health is as true today as it was back in 1948. Although the WHO has revised its definition since then, for many today health conditions are depressing. Diseases like cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease are increasing all over the world and there is no indication of how to treat it through medicines and surgery.
Ask anyone on the road and you are likely to get the answer that health is the absence of pain and illness for them. Many people say that they are healthy, even if they feel like a pharmacy of drugs and medicines in this way.
As more people have slipped over the years, adopted a Western-style diet, sodium, sugar, fat and chemical additives, with the diet of highly refined foods. Excessive stressful lifestyles coupled with bad habits like smoking and pollutants in food, air, and water ensure that quality of life has been seriously compromised. If the pain is full of disease in those extra years, then life is a little better.
Today's illnesses are the result of poor lifestyle choices. Apart from the fact that most diets are high in fat, most of the produce on supermarket shelves is a serious shortage of essential vitamins and minerals which were abundant in the diet of those who lived hundred years ago. Today's food is produced extensively and comes from the fields whose soil has failed and minerals have been robbed. The food is made to look good and has a long life to live in, but not to promote health.
This definition of health
The idea of today's medical establishment is that illness is a part of life and indispensable. The larger you are, the sicker you are and the need for medical intervention. But the truth is that a healthy body does not get sick. The body with a strong immune system has many tests and balances that ensure that good health is maintained. Even today, you will find such centuries, waiting for the joy of death to take them out of the nursery home or not needing to rot. Health is not due to hereditary factors.
To help survive so long, those centuries have no special health genes. What do they have that today is the deficiency in the lives of most people? Those who are healthy old are active. They eat less in fresh fruits and vegetables, fiber-rich foods and ordinary carbohydrates. They get fresh air and do not take too many amounts of smoking or drinks.
Maintaining good health is to start with the belief that it is possible to be healthy and stay in such a way by applying healthy lifestyle choices. Unfortunately, some people are encouraged to make those changes. A stressful and rattling lifestyle does not allow many people to stop and take off their own lists and goals for future well-being.
With the body's methodology and the ability to heal itself, there is no excuse with anything that we have discovered, that one should continue to live an unhealthy lifestyle which reduces the quality of life. The real definition of good health is to make a complete lifestyle change by eating a good diet, exercising regularly, relatively stressing free, taking adequate sleep, and throwing cigarettes and drugs out.
What is the definition of physical health and is good health naturally all natural?
Let's start with a good health definition in general. WHO Health Definition (World Health Organization), since 1948: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and there is no lack of illness or impairment". It is true that what is the definition of physical health and what does naturally mean to good health that "all natural" is good, especially when it applies to food?
What is the definition of physical health?
there is one?
Is it safe to say that WHO applies on health definition as it applies to physical health, because only because everything is working as in the absence of illness or weakness (weakness or disease), that we have good physical Not necessarily in health?
What do you think
I personally believe that there is more to be healthy at the moment. On the other hand, I also believe that because we only guarantee the present, if you are healthy then do not accept it. enjoy it while you can.
I also believe that the condition of our physical health depends largely on our personal health plan. In other words, it depends on how well we regularly care for ourselves. Contains:
- Eating habit
- Exercise habits or decrease in it
- Sleep habits
- Spiritual habits
- Normal living habits
- Without pretending that I am a scholar, expert or enthusiastic about any of the aforesaid, that I personally define physical health, the definition of spiritual health or anything that is similar to the definition of good health, in short, I What I am saying is that all bullet points affect our physical health.
What do you think
It's about good health
A dictionary provides this definition of health:
"The general position of body and brain in terms of sound and power: good health; poor health."
Ancient Roman poet Virgil said, "The biggest wealth is health".
I could not have agreed more, but I am a little disturbed by putting more emphasis on physical health, as it is mutually exclusive to other aspects of health.
I believe that is about health:
- Physical
- Mental
- Passionate
- Spiritual
- Financial
In "sound and power" in which we pursue and maintain these factors, it has a direct and indirect impact on every single factor.
Apart from this, it disturbs me that money is associated with a lot of money and financial wealth.
It is not to say that I do not see the importance of physical health and financial wealth. They are the main components of overall health but they are not stand-alone concepts.
What are your thoughts
all natural
The "all natural" phenomenon, especially when it applies to food, is the largest market so far. If this is not a scam, then it is a joke.
it means nothing!
There is a big difference between biological and all natural. Do not confuse the two and do not fall for the promotion in every way, which assures you that they are one and the same. they are not.
Biological, at least as it applies to food, is highly regulated. It really means something. However, keep in mind that just because it is organic it does not mean it is healthy.
All natural can mean quite a lot. As far as the food we eat is concerned, it is not regulated. This is a very deceptive tag.
Do not be fooled
I'm not saying that it's not fun that it's not fun. I am not saying that all the natural bads are bad. I am just saying that it is as spectacular as it was ever. It has no depth.
My formula
To me, this all starts with simple concepts and principles:
to respect
best effort
These are indispensable. They should not spend anything and they should be implemented all the time.
The next 5 f is:
- Eating - Not only what we eat but also include anything that we consume in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual form. If we eat, that is what it says.
- Fitness - Includes all 5 bullet points outlined above
- Finance - Affects the last two and affects the previous and next two
- Fulfillment - It is about completion and includes all the bullet points mentioned in it
- Fun - how it affects health and is affected by its importance is often overlooked
I have tagged 5 F as components of bulletproof life.
To sum it up, the above is all important but the proper balance key is. I believe many of us are out of balance. In addition, there is not a size-fit-all balance act.
Last but not least, with the great red fox:
"Someday the health nuts are getting mad, they are lying in hospitals."
Agree? Disagree?
leave comments.
What is the definition of cardiovascular health and why cardiovascular health is important?
What is the definition of cardiovascular health?
Cardiovascular health is a fully working heart and connected blood vessel, including arteries, veins, capillaries, and valves. Together, they form the cardiovascular system in the body and together they are responsible for transferring blood and nutrients into different parts of the body, and to clean the blood, the waste material is transported from organs to other organs.
The condition of all components of cardiac health cardiovascular system (CV) is It is important to keep the cardiovascular system healthy for long and healthy living. Without the proper functioning of this system, vital organs will start getting worse and will soon fail. If not hours, then there will be dead within days.
Heart CV is the main component of the system. It is responsible for pumping blood in all parts of the body. It pumps the deoxygenated blood to the lungs where the blood is oxygenated and then pumps this oxygenated blood into other parts where blood raises the nutrients and distributes them to the body parts they need. Blood also takes the impurities from the limbs to the liver and kidneys where the blood is pure.
Why is cardiovascular health important?
It is important to exercise the heart to strengthen and keep it in a condition that can be best described for health. It is achieved every day for a few minutes by making rapid heart pumps. The best way to exercise the cardiovascular system is cardiovascular exercise. These exercises have been designed to run the heart pump faster and in this process, the whole heart system is strengthened.
will work for the heart muscles half an hour after the sweating on the machine and keep them strong and healthy. In this process, the whole cardiovascular system gets a workout. Other exercises include cycling, rowing, running, skipping and jogging.
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Definition of Good Health|Definition of Physical Health|Cardiovascular
February 23, 2019

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