Role of Oxygen in a Human Body
The role of oxygen in maintaining life's life cannot be given so much importance that life can not exist, there should be no oxygen. There are about two-thirds of the oxygen in the human body. Through respiration, the gas is passed to the lungs and is absorbed in the bloodstream in the lungs. Later, it reaches every cell in the body. The reactive element is responsible for respiratory processes and metabolism in living organisms.
It is said that only living cells which do not require oxygen, are anaerobic bacteria. They get their energy from other metabolic processes. Complex enzymatic processes are involved in the oxidation of nutrients inside our cells. Oxygen burns food which releases energy. It is essential that the oxygen in the cell's respiration is present in the correct proportion in the body. A non-metallic element is vital for triggering and maintaining the energy metabolism of living organisms. A living place is where all biochemical activities are called metabolism.
Human Body
is also responsible for all the changes in the human body as well as chemical. It changes old tissues with new people, converts food into energy and destroys waste materials. It is also responsible for breeding. In fact, all activities that make life possible for existence are due to metabolism. Molecular oxygen is important for cellular respiration in all aerobic organisms. It is said that one liter of blood has the capacity to dissolve 200 cc oxygen gas, which is much higher than the water capacity to dissolve the oxygen.
Oxygen is transported through the blood to the body tissues, which require oxygen and it is combined with an enzyme (monoxide). The enzyme uses oxygen in the body as a catalyst for various oxidizing reactions (metabolism). Carbon dioxide is free from the cell and is transported back to the lungs through the blood. This process repeats itself. Although oxygen is important for life and is responsible for the oxidation or burning of food to generate energy and heat for our body, it is also present in some types of modified oxygen molecules called free radicals, which are called our bodies Are always present in They harm their own cells, thereby causing cancerous diseases. There are many research papers that produce free radicals as the primary cause of aging.
It is said that you are as old as your cells. Using special antioxidants, it is possible to achieve cellular rejuvenation, extend life and achieve better life force. This will act as your youngest age.
Importance of oxygen in daily life
It can not be emphasized that oxygen is important for sustaining life on earth. Oxygen is transported through the respiration to the lungs, where after it dissolves in the blood, it is taken to all the cells of the body. It is responsible for the oxidation or burning of food, thus, generates the energy necessary for our body to function. In our day-to-day life, we see many people who feel tired or feel like they have no energy. This is because many of us, nowadays, are suffering from oxygen deficiency.
Such deficiency may be due to factors such as bad food, air pollution and the wrong method of breathing and lack of exercise. The lack of adequate oxygen in our cells weakens our immune system. Needless to say, oxygen is one of the most important elements needed to maintain life on the planet. In the absence of oxygen, either our body feels pain or we die. In the case of a lack of oxygen, metabolism is not done properly, which results in weak or unhealthy cells. Consequently, we lose our natural immunity and become susceptible to viruses and all types of diseases. However, we can opt for oxygen supplements to treat oxygen deficiency or we will have to go through oxygen therapy.
On the other hand, non-metallic elements play an important role in destroying harmful bacteria, while beneficial bacteria remain completely unaffected. No medicine can achieve such a feat. To live a full life, we have to use and follow a diet rich in nutrients. However, it is not as far as our modern life is concerned. We live a sedentary life which is growing with the decline in the level of oxygen in the atmosphere. The situation demands more of the highly reactive element to deal with the stress of modern life.
There are many tensions on the bodies generated from the nature of modern life. To begin with, we can not escape coming into contact with chemicals. To get rid of toxic stress due to chemical risk, our cells need to periodically detoxify. In a world where the breakdown of families or personal relationships is very common, there is no way to avoid emotional stress, for which the production of adrenaline and adrenal hormones is required. In addition, a physical trauma also restricts circulation and also supplies oxygen inside our body. And, oxygen also ends with infection because we require non-metallic gas to fight fungus, bacteria, and viruses.
Role of Oxygen in a Human Body
February 25, 2019

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