Have you washed your hands?
To stay healthy, it is the first step to take care of hand hygiene. This helps in avoiding sickness due to the spread of germs. Cleanliness and hygiene help us to develop a good lifestyle. These habits are beneficial for our health. We need to keep our homes, our surroundings, our city clean. All this starts with personal hygiene.
Personal hygiene is essential for good health. Washing your hands is the first step. Most of the infections occur in our body through our hands. From morning till evening our hands come in contact with a lot of things. We touch the doors, knobs, buttons, faucets, washrooms, brushes, cups, mugs, utensils, drawers, cars, bikes, currency notes, coins, malls, cutlery, accelerators, stairs, public places, and many things. Things Think of how many things you touch in a whole day. We are exposed to many infections as well as outside the home.
To be away from infection, washing hands should be an ongoing habit. The germs are everywhere, but you can not see them Keeping hands clean is the first step that can prevent us from getting sick.
When to wash hands
- After using a dishcloth or cleaning mop.
- After bringing vegetables and fruits from the market.
- First, during cooking and later.
- When children come back after playing.
- After playing with pets.
- After handling animals and animals waste.
- After using the toilets.
- After changing the diaper.
- After handling wounds.
- After dealing with dirty laundry and touching.
- After brooming, brooming and moping in the house.
- After sneezing and coughing
- Pesticide spray after touching
- After emptying or cleaning the cans.
- After using public toilets.
- After handling currency notes and coins.
- After switching to doors, chairs, tables, knocks, restaurants, malls etc.
- After visiting the hospitals, the clinic.
- After the presence of sick members.
- After going to a gym or sports club
- After using the swimming pool
Do not underestimate or ignore this simple habit of hand washing. Usually, children leave this basic habit, it is our duty to explain the importance of hand washing.
There is also a popular English nursery rhyme on the wash your hands. We need to wash our hands -
- Use Soap and Water
- Use liquid soap
- Use hand sanitizer
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The hands should be thoroughly scrubbed by using soap and water. Cleanliness of good hands is in our own hands.
Precaution is better than precaution is a famous saying and washing our hands is a precaution that can lead to better health and hygiene.
Have you washed your hands?
February 25, 2019

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