Eye injury - when there is no doctor
The eyes are a direct extension of the brain and the surrounding tissues are among the most delicate and complex structures of the body. This is the reason that an injury to the eye, although it can appear innocently, there may be a vision-threatened emergency. Here's what you can do before giving medical attention:
The poet can think of the eyes as a window to the soul, but with a more pragmatic approach, they are also our window for the world. And, for a doctor, they are a window for the rest of the body because general health / ill health is reflected in the eyes.
Although the awareness of the eyelids develops very well, and despite giving protection to the eyes by their bonnie socket called the orbits, the eyes get more vulnerable to injury - especially one-eyed blindness for children.
Does quick medical attention make it mandatory that there is a lot more than eye injury that comes from the eye? An apparently slight injury can be the cause of a vision-related crisis with minimal evidence of tissue damage or vision disturbances. This is especially in the case of a small, non-identifying foreign body, which brings a hidden penetrating wound to the eye's eye, is called eye specialist and contact lens specialist. "Even if there is no cosmetic disruption or vision impairment after an eye injury, then it requires quick medical attention because time factor plays an important role in the prognosis. In the event of an injury to the retina (Which can be effortlessly different). The delay of every moment can reduce the chances of sight-saving repairs. "
Here are some of the injuries that you should keep an eye on:
foreign particles
The occurrence of this type of surface injury is more in children who play in a dusty environment and there is a possibility of injury to factory workers such as welders and grinding metals.
Symptoms: Pain, sometimes a shooting pain, blurred vision, water, redness; Or the injury may be asymptomatic.
Do not rub the eye because it can force the foreign body in depth. Do not scratch the eyelids or eyeballs.
What to do: If the object is visible, then lift it with a clean cloth or ear corner of caution. If the object is visible, then lift it with a damp cloth or ear corner of caution carefully. If the object still remains, then shed the eye with water, then shed the eye with water. If it cannot be disliked or seen, then lightly cover the eye with 2'x2 '' sterile mist (preferably a sterile eye pad available on chemist) and seal it with plaster or sellotape. Take them to an eye specialist.
Control (black eye)
This is the result of an effect with a blunt object like a fist or a stone, or a clash against a rigid surface like a door or a person. If an elderly person has a tear of the retina (which is weakly with weak retinues, people with near-vision and hypertension are susceptible) to detect and seal tear by laser or cryosurgery retina Can prevent a disaster like a detachment. In young people, the retina takes more time to separate itself - it can take weeks or months after injury to Vitreous, to make it liquefied, jelly which gives place to the retina.
Symptoms: Swelling and bulge (blue) appear in the eyelid and surrounding tissues. There may be eye bleeding, which indicates bleeding under the conjunctiva (the colored membrane that covers the globe) or breaks down the surface blood vessel. In the case of retinal tears, the victims can report glare, floaters, loss of vision or a "veil" or all the visual field. If the person reports a double vision, then the damage can be very serious.
What to do:
- If a person wears lenses, then first remove them, because the lens can endanger the oxygenation of the cornea, especially if there is a large fusion in the conjunctiva, which can disrupt the circulation and damage the cornea.
- Compress ice by placing ice crushed in a clean handkerchief and apply it on the affected eye.
- To prevent internal eye bleeding, vitreous bleeding (bleeding in vitreous) and retinal injury, take the person to an eye specialist as soon as possible.
In case of bleeding from internal eyes in the front of the eye (hyphema), regularly - perhaps daily eye specialist (pressure of motion of the fluid in the eye) may need to go to the eye specialist. If the internal bleeding is consistent with high pressure, then this can lead to permanent clouds of the cornea (called 'blood staining'), which is irreversible and can result in blindness until the cornea grafting Grafting of donor cornea) is not done.
These are scratches on the surface of the cornea caused by a blow from a blunt object, by burning from the food burning, by separating the oil or by a stray, aerial foreign particle.
If a contact lens wearer suddenly develops severe pain, photophobia (an intolerance to the light), water and redness, then it can be due to friction due to the lens, especially if the symptoms are unicellular (occurring in an eye) Ho.
Pregnant and lactating women wearing contact lenses should always be cautious of nervousness because they are prone to corneal edema (corneal swelling due to hormonal changes) and friction.
Symptoms: Pain, sometimes a shooting pain, prick (foreign body sensation) water and redness; Or the injury may be asymptomatic.
Do not rub the eye, because friction by the action can worsen or pressurize the foreign particle heavily.
Do not scratch the eyelids or eyeballs.
What to do: Those wearing contact lenses should remove the lens as soon as possible. If the particle is visible, then lift it with a damp cloth or ear corner of caution. If the object still remains, then shake the eye with clear water from the inner corner of the eye (near the nose) in an attempt to take out the foreign body. If the object can not be seen, then use an antibiotic eye ointment when available. Lightly cover the eye with 2 '' 'x2' 'sterile gauze and seal with plaster or sellotape. Do not use corticosteroid because they can increase friction or can result in corneal ulceration (pits). Take them to an eye specialist.
They are a result of injury by a blunt or a fast, penetrating object. They constitute an eye emergency and require immediate hospital recruitment and treatment. Dispersion on the sclera (eye-white, opaque, outer coat) is worse than those on accessible cornea because scalar tears are usually accompanied by damage to choroid (dark, the vascular membrane between scales and retina), retina And Vitreous - all important artists
Symptoms: These depend on the size and extent of the lactation. If the lactation is large (in the case of a major accident) the eyeball can appear mutilated and external bleeding (bleeding through the eye), with severe pain.
What to do: Pace the eye slightly with a clean smog and take the person to the eye hospital. In all cases of lakhs, recruitment in the urgent hospital is required. If the optic nerve is involved, then it can invite infection in the brain.
It is common among children and factory workers playing with missiles such as wounds or holes, darts, needles, pellets, and arrows, due to the existence of any foreign object in the eye.
Symptoms: Loss of pain, watery eye, dimness or vision. Whether the puncture due to the object cannot be seen or not.
Do not venture to remove an impeller object such as a needle or a sharp piece of metal from the eye, because it can cause infection. Also, if vitreous leaks it cannot be restored or replaced by the body and can cause blindness. The object must be isolated within the barrier prevention of an operating theater.
What to do: Cover the lightly affected eye and preferably the other eye too, because when one eye moves, the other eye repeated the movement (sympathetic eye movement), which can damage the damage. Take a person to the hospital for any delay as the brain can be transmitted through the optic nerve (especially if it is served) which can lead to brain boils or meningitis.
In the hospital, sophisticated trials like sonography or cat scan can be done to indicate the extent of damage and do not appear to detect any hidden objects and hence it is left, this sympathetic eye disease Can become a cause, a situation which becomes violent, swelling in weeks of uninjured eye during months after injury.
Heat (fire) is the most common cause of burning eyes, electric shock to other culprits, chemical (acid and alkaline), and fumes.
Symptom: Evidence surrounding severe pain photophobia, inflammation of the eyelids and burning sensation.
What to do: Chemical water: Irrigate eyes for 10 to 15 minutes. Generally cover the eye with an antibiotic ointment smear, a loose dye dressing in the eye, and seal with sellotape or a plaster.
Take the person to the nearest hospital, preferably a burning hospital if there is one in the surrounding area. Often, when irritation in the rest of the body is serious, eyes are neglected because the present team focuses on skin irritation, especially if they are third-degree. But, adding the eyes to the list of permanently burning defects can be avoided. Immediately cover the eyes to protect the cornea quickly from the absence of dry secretion (if the tear glands are damaged). The symptoms of 'dry eye' can be treated by the continuous installation of artificial tears (mice) and greasy ointment.
Ina serious accident in which the orbital ceiling or orbital plane is broken, the ball of the eye can get out of the socket.
Symptoms: The patient is usually unconscious. The eye may be partly pop or hang out of the socket.
Do not venture to push the eye back into the socket.
What to do: If the person is unconscious, then shut the eye without it, if it is open as an unconscious person, then there is no involuntary blinking action to shed tears in the exposed parts of the eyes. An unsafe eye will dry quickly and will be susceptible to permanent damage. Even if only one eye is swollen, cover both eyes with mist and bring the person to the hospital.
Oil insurance
These occur when the eyelids are either collapsed or collapsed, strayed stone or an accident occurs.
Symptoms: The lid is swollen and grated. The tear can cause bleeding.
What to do: Turn the affected eye off. Apply a cold compress to prevent bleeding. Paddle the eye with clean smog and take the person to an eye specialist. The tear will need stitching in layers for good alignment with minimal scarring. If the tear duct has been damaged, it may need to be rebuilt.
Due to severe holes in the lower eyelid, there may be an obstruction in the tear drainage system, so do not delay the treatment.
Damage at one year old
This can be due to a serious setback.
What to do: Separate the lids and manually remove loose pieces.
Get the person to the hospital. If the injury is serious and the socket has been loose, then it may need to be stitched.
Unconventional investors
In other places in the body, small chips that break the wall of the blood vessels (plaque-thick) can roam in the central retinal artery or small blood vessels.
Symptoms: Total blindness if the lodge is in the central retinal artery; And blurry vision if it is in small ships.
What to do: This is a terrible emergency and the person should take the hospital without any delay. If there is an immediate aspiration of fluid from the anterior (forward) chamber of the eye, i.e. within 30 minutes of an obstacle, it can restore some vision. But this is rare, and the normal result of central retinal obstruction is a complete and permanent loss of vision.
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Eye injury - when there is no doctor
April 26, 2019

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