Infectious Diseases: Infectious Diseases of Scalp and Hair
There area unit 2 main styles of hair and scalp diseases: Infectious and non-infectious. Infectious diseases are those that they can go from one man to another infectiously. The most common examples of these are the impulse, head-lice, herpes, itch, warts and some other.
The severity of these infections and the risks to the people around them can be very different. Therefore, it is of primary importance to note the symptoms, define the cause and start the appropriate treatment as soon as possible. For this purpose, let's take a look at some common infectious diseases of the scalp and hair.
Snag This is a highly contagious disease which is the most common in children. The reason is the Staphylococcus aureus / pyogenes that enters the skin of the cut or injured head. Impetigo contains large moist blisters which gradually dry and makes a yellow colored layer.
itching. Scabies is an ectoparasite skin infection caused by a small animal mite that can be buried in the skull and can lay eggs there. It is characterized by scabies and red spots and is buried on the scalp.
Warts The warts are slightly protruding lumps, which are usually found on hands and feet but can also occur on the skin of the head. The explanation for this infection could be human papillomavirus (HPV), that is unfolded by direct contact with the infected person.
Herpes It is also known as a Tinea Capitis. This is a highly contagious skull disease that is characterized by a pink patch which gradually develops in rounded areas with damaged hair. The cause of this infection is a fungus which can spread directly or indirectly through comb and brush, clothes and towels.
Head louse This small wingless parasite is a very infectious disease caused by insects (head-lice) who spend their entire lives on the scalp, lay eggs, reproduce and suck human blood. This infection is very common in children.
Flame There is an infectious inflammation of the hair follicles caused by folliculitis bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus), which enters the scalp through scratches or by direct contact with the infected person.
These are the common infectious diseases and conditions of scalp and hair. If you suspect that you may be one of these disorders, you should immediately seek medical advice from either the doctor.
Or a trichologist
Infectious Diseases: Infectious Diseases of Scalp and Hair
February 15, 2019

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