Obesity means and how to fight it|Obesity and health problems
No one will say that obesity is attractive, nor healthy. Obesity prevention is actually a direct proposition. If you forgive the sentence, prevention of obesity is actually worth several pounds of treatment.
People with normal, steady weight can gain a few pounds on holidays, which is a part of the happiness of all holidays. Cookies, fudge, delicious gravy and some glasses of eggs all bring you there. However, most people shed those pounds in a couple of months, once they return to normal eating habits. It all comes to the lack of calories.
Prevention of obesity should be your goal when you find that you have gained ten pounds or more and it has not stopped. When your head starts to lose weight you should play an alarm and you seem unable to lose weight. Now is the time to take action! It's easy to reduce a hundred to ten or twenty pounds!
In other signals pointing to the program of prevention, it is necessary to know that your clothes are very tight. Many people have clauses in their closet, one for their 'thick' cloth, and their 'thin' clothing in the other. Not only is this an unnecessary expense, but a psychological move that you are playing on yourself. It goes something like this. "Okay, I think I just have to accept it - people tend to gain weight because they have grown up. What is the size of a dress anyway? I still look okay."
Obesity means and how to fight it
The problem with this attitude is that you are putting yourself in disbelief. This means that you will not be motivated to stop obesity because you do not think it is possible. You can try a token for the diet, but you will not be with the program. This is how weight ultimately balloons for an unbearable problem.
So, the real main issue in obesity prevention starts in your mind. You should be motivated. Do you want to wait till that day when a small grocery granny tells his mother, "Look, how big is that woman?" While it is useless to deny this fact. Prevention of obesity involves an early start.
If you need help getting motivated, here are some suggestions. Go online and calculate your BMI. Read about many health problems that you can withstand well. Heart disease, poor circulation, diabetes, and joint stress damage are few. When you are of normal weight, dig through old photo albums to find pictures of you. Now with your picture, at the eye level, tap that picture on the tape. Try on one of your skinny clothes.
Fine. Now you have got inspiration. Like thyroid imbalance, you should first check with your doctor to ensure that you do not have any medical condition. If it is not, then get ready for the diet. Do not waste any kind of yourself. Remember, obesity prevention is your goal.
Losing weight always calms in calories. How do you know how many calories you normally eat? Keep a food magazine for one week. Write every last cracker and soda that passes your lips. Book Calorie Counter Ask your doctor to help you plan a diet plan that is healthy and right for you.
Motivation is important for the prevention of obesity. With a fanatic dose of inspiration, you will lose extra weight for good!
Obesity and health problems
What is the obligation?
Obesity is a condition that is due to excessive storage of fat in the body. Obesity is defined as over 20% weight, which is considered normal according to standard age, height, and weight table, or known as "body mass index" (BMI).
What is body moss INDEX?
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measurement based on the height and weight of a person. The higher the BMI, the more fat you are. BMI values apply to both men and women, irrespective of their frame size or muscle:
Pregnant women or lactating mothers
Person below 16
Weak or sedentary elderly people
Competitive Athlete
Professional Body Builder
How to calculate BMI
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines BMI:
BMI = Weight (kg)
Height (M) x (M)
conversion factor:
Pound = kg inches x 2.54 = mi
2.2 100
The healthy weight limit for BMI is 18.5 - 22.9
BMI is you:
<18.5 under the eight
18.5 -22.9 normal, healthy weight
= 23 overweight
25 - 29.9 obsess
= 30 severely thick
Terms of liability
- Eating Habit
- Lifestyle
- Psychological Factors
- Genetics
- Sex
- Age
- Cigarette smoking
- Pregnancy
- Medical problems
Weight is largely determined by how much energy you consume in your daily activities, how calorie intake is balanced with food. If you consume more calories than you use, then you increase the weight. Your body stores calories which do not require energy as fat.
The lack of eating and physical activity are the main causes of obesity, especially in combination. But many factors contribute to obesity. They are:
Eating Habit:
Regular intake of high-calorie foods such as fast food contributes to weight gain. High-fat foods are dense in calories. Loading on soft drinks, candies and desserts also promote weight gain. Foods and beverages such as these are high in sugar and calories.
Center are more likely to gain weight because they do not burn calories through physical activity.
Psychological Factors:
Some people are fed up with problems or dealing with difficult emotions. In some cases, obesity can come from a food disorder. It has been shown. For example, for some people, benison leaves natural opiates in the brain, which provides a sense of well-being and physical pleasure.
If one or both of your parents are obese, the chances of getting more weight increases from 25 percent to 30 percent. Your genes can affect the amount of body fat stored by you and where fat is distributed. But your genetic makeup does not guarantee that you will be fat.
Men have more muscle than women and because more calories burn than muscle fat burning, men spend 20 percent more calories than women, even relax. Therefore, getting a healthy weight for women can be a daunting challenge.
As you get older, the amount of muscle decreases in your body and your weight is high. This low muscle mass leads to a decrease in metabolism. Your metabolism also naturally slows down with age. With aging, people become less active. Together these changes reduce calorie needs. If you do not reduce your calorie intake according to age, then you will be likely to gain weight.
Cigarette smoking:
After leaving the smokers, the weight begins to grow. Gaining weight 6 to 8 pounds is not uncommon. This weight gain rate can be partly due to the rate of nicotine at which rate your body burns calories (metabolic rate). When smokers stop, they burn low calories. Smoking also affects taste. Former smokers often increase their weight because they eat more after leaving Their food tastes better.
After each pregnancy, the weight of a woman increases by 4 to 6 pounds. This increase in weight can contribute to the development of obesity in women.
Medical problems: 2% of all cases of obesity can be detected due to medical reasons, such as thyroid function, additional production of hormones (Cushing syndrome) or other hormonal imbalances by adrenal glands. A low metabolic rate is rarely the cause of obesity. A medical problem can also lead to decreased activity, which can result in weight gain.
Medicines: Especially Corticosteroids and Tricyclic Antidepressants can gain weight
Health and Social Implementation
Obesity is more than a cosmetic concern. With 30 to 40 billion fat cells the human body can support some extra fat. Fat is important for accumulating energy and insulating the body between other functions. But after a certain point, fat in the body can start interfering with your health.
If you are obese, you are likely to develop many potentially serious health problems. they include:
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Abnormal blood fat
- Coronary artery disease
- The strokes
- Old osteoarthritis
- Sleep apnea
- Cancer
Obesity can contribute to the joint of cholesterol in the gallbladder, gallstones and gout, a joint disorder.
Beautiful character
- Motivate yourself
- Make lifestyle changes priority
- Keep a plan
- Gird yourself with good examples
- Avoid Food Triggers
- Keep a record
- Focus on Positive
To lose weight and keep it off, you should make changes in your life. Changing your lifestyle is more than choosing different food items and putting more activity in your day. It also includes changing your attitude for eating and activity, which means how you think, feel and work.
Research has demonstrated that many tools and tips are effective in helping you to change. Follow these tips for changes:
Motivate yourself:
Nobody can make you lose weight. Introduction, the increased pressure from your immediate neighbors can only make matters worse. Likewise, trying to lose weight rarely works to satisfy someone else. Make changes in diet and exercise to please yourself.
Make lifestyle changes priority:
When you are planning to change the lifestyle related to new weight, make sure that you have solved other pressure problems in your life. Changing habits takes too much energy and you want to ensure that you are focused on this matter.
Keep a plan:
Create a strategy that will gradually change the habits and attitude that can reduce your previous efforts to lose weight. Choose a specific start date. Think about how often and how long you will exercise. Determine the plan of realistic eating that includes water, fruit, and vegetables. Write everything about the plan, such as: when and where you will step in your plan, how your plan will fit in your program, possible roadblocks and how you deal with them.
Gird yourself with good examples:
As you determine your goals, it helps to surround you with gog examples. On healthy living and healthy cooking, magazines include interesting facts about real-life stories, healthy and easy recipes, exercise tips and fitness.
Avoid Food Triggers:
Distract yourself with the desire to eat some positive food like calling a friend. Practice unhealthy foods and "no" to the large part. Eat when you are really hungry when the watch says that it is time to eat. When you eat, concentrate on eating. Serve your food on small plates to make less food. In general, keep food out of sight and do not keep junk foods around.
Keep a record:
You should lose weight because you work to lose weight. Keep a meal and activity diary from time to time so that you can strengthen good habits and improve search and behavior. Remember that success is not defined simply by reducing actual weight. Be sure to track other important health parameters such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and overall fitness.
Focus on Positive:
Instead of focusing on what you can not eat, concentrate on what you can eat. See what new tastes and activities you can discover that will increase your health.
Do not give up:
Many in our culture conspired to give you more weight and to maintain. You will have a setback. Do not expect instant fulfillment. But do not give up Use Relapse to return to the track. Inspire yourself with healthy rewards when you reach goals.
Dealing with obesity can mean how you live and make some difficult changes. If you are overweight or obese, you have to do a positive attitude before excusing those unwanted pounds. With knowledge, the right attitude, a good plan, and MRT complex, you can reduce your weight safely and effectively.
Obesity means and how to fight it|Obesity and health problems
February 18, 2019

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